Wed. Jul 24th, 2024
Singapore Bungalow Blends History, Art, Nature.

The striking black-and-white Singapore Bungalow Blends are more than just pretty buildings; they show off the city’s rich past and architectural beauty. For Claudia and Hogi Hyun, living in one of these historic homes for almost 30 years has been wonderful and rewarding.

Singapore Bungalow Blends: A Mix of Art and Cultures

Singapore Bungalow Blends History, Art, Nature.

Claudia and Hogi are a couple with mixed European and Asian roots. They show off their mixed history through a carefully chosen collection of art and antiques. Their house has a lively mix of art from the Philippines and Singapore. Which Claudia affectionately calls a “mash-up of the Asian Civilizations Museum and Singapore Art Museum.”

Singapore Bungalow Blends: Places where art and everyday life come together

Their collection of different kinds of things can be seen all over their homes. In the study and dining room, modern Singaporean art and old furniture mix to make a lively atmosphere. Statues that were taken from a Chinese temple and put in the living room give it a sense of history and mystery.

Singapore Bungalow Blends: Moving art and furniture around: a work in progress

Hogi says that their interior design is a work of art that is always changing. By moving art and furniture around often, the couple likes to change the look and feel of their rooms. They love food and wine so much that the dining room is the center of their home where they share meals and enjoy their interests.

Personal Spaces: Where Each Person’s Passions Grow

The hobbies of each family member are carefully incorporated into their own personal spaces. Claudia’s “She Shed,” which is all about health and fitness. Also Hogi’s “Man Cave,” which is all about relaxation, have something for everyone. These areas are not only useful, but they also add to the beauty of their home as a whole.

Problems with living in the past

Claudia is happy to do the upkeep work that comes with living in an old house. Managing humidity, keeping artwork and furniture free of mold, and dealing with bugs and ants are some of the problems that need to solved. Even with these problems, Claudia enjoys the upkeep because it’s part of the fun of living in a historic house.

Being in Nature: A Little Zoo in the Garden

Wildlife comes into their garden because it is close to wooded places. Claudia makes fun of the fact that their neighborhood is like a “small zoo,” with birds living, hornbills perching in trees, and monkeys visiting. Even though the monkeys sometimes get into trouble, the home is a peaceful place to be because of the beautiful scenery.

Being close to nature: a little piece of paradise

Even though things hard, Claudia finds comfort in meditating in the mornings on the porch of her car, which is surrounded by plants. The couple feels connected to nature because they live close to it. Their historic home is not only a place to stay, but also a little piece of paradise.

Claudia and Hogi’s black-and-white house in the middle of Singapore shows how beautiful it can be for history, art, and nature to live together in peace.

By admin